Acoustic SolutionsFor your projects

Ecological, robust, and versatile high-performace acoustic absorbers manufactured from recycled PET bottles. ECHOJAZZ acoustic panels create custom-made individual solutions for a strong improvement of soundproofing and room acoustics in architecture, gastronomy, creative industry, open office spaces, and homes.

100% Swiss design, 100% zero waste.

Fabricated from 74 PET bottles per square meter our EchoBoards® combine function, design, and sustainability. The soft, felt-like haptics fit perfectly with a wide range of natural materials such as stone, concrete, glass, and wood. EchoBoards® are classified for fire protection and available in many colours. As an eye-catching interior piece or an inconspicuous utility object – ECHOJAZZ upgrades your room with comforting and sustainable effect.


ProductsAcoustic & Light


MCart Configure Product
EchoTower® SQUARE Configure Product
EchoBox® Configure Product
EchoGrid® Configure Product
EchoCove® DESK Configure Product
EchoBaffle® Configure Product
EchoLED® UMBRA Configure Product
EchoField® Configure Product
EchoMonoc® Configure Product
EchoCurtain® Configure Product
EchoBrick® Configure Product
EchoLED® LINEAR Configure Product
EchoCove® ECO Configure Product
EchoSail® Configure Product
EchoLED® BAFFLE Configure Product
EchoLED® EQ4 Configure Product
EchoCove® MOVE Configure Product
EchoCove® PALING Configure Product
EchoCove® STAND Configure Product
EchoTorrent® Configure Product
EchoCoustic® Configure Product
EchoBoard® Configure Product



High-performance class A absorber with felt structure.


Very dimensionally stable, tear-resistant and cleanable without residue.


Customised on CNC cutting plotter.


Enhances indoor climate comfort.


B1 classification according to European fire protection standard.


Made from 100% PET fibres, no moisture mould.


High saturation colours thanks to dyed-through fibres.


Does not emit hazardous fibres or paint particles.

Extraordinary project

Synthesis of light, colour and acoustic comfort

Installation of suspended EchoSail® acoustic panels in the patio with a design that...

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Creating the ‘Cubicle’ of Tomorrow

How Ikea’s innovation lab redesigned its own open plan office. The new office design focuses on wellbeing, sustainability and community. this refresh was meant to provide more privacy and give employees more...

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Arthouse cinema with monochrome wall cladding


27'000 upcycled PET bottles for Bosch

Bosch is now relying on the acoustic elements from ECHOJAZZ for flexible use as acoustic ceiling elements, acoustic luminaires, acoustic wall cladding and decorative room dividers.

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EchoBoard® is optimally suited in the medical field

Heavy contamination can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide in the highest concentration without leaving..

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At ECHOJAZZ we unite sustainability with simplicity of great design. To save our environment we see the full cycle as the only possibility.

Recycled raw materials: From disposable plastics to high-end products for the design industry: Our products are made of 100% PET with a minimum portion of 50% recycled PET.

Re-useable products: As a first mover, ECHOJAZZ has started a return-programme for all products, and we offer to take back and recycle our products after you have used them.

Zero waste: We generate fresh raw material out of used products and offcut.

PROJECTS Acoustic Furniture and Room dividers

PROJECTS Acoustic Ceilings and Walls